Play piano music from Fukushima -Nuclear Accident-

The melodies of the piano from Fukushima
HOME > After Nuclear Accident

原発事故後の部屋The Room of After Nuclear Accident

Try to keep memories just after the nuclear plant accident.
第1曲 立ち上がる
アレグロ 4分の4拍子 二短調
Track1 Stand up and Face
Allegro 4/4 D moll

原子力発電所の事故による放射性物質が飛来し、なんの知識もなく立ち向かわざるを得ませんでした。 危機管理能力のない者達の過去のいい加減な仕事のせいで、多くの人間が苦しみました。
私の住んでいる二本松市は避難区域にはなりませんでしたが、それでも怒りが込み上げてきました。 実際に避難を余儀なくされた方達の怒りは私には計り知れないものであろうと考えています。 避難区域にはならなかったとはいえ、それでも不安、怒り、苛立ち等々を今も抱えています。 私は以前から何かをしていると頭の中で旋律が流れ出す妙な癖があります。
大概の場合オーケストラのような感じで流れてきますが、オーケストレーションが全くわかりませんので、ピアノに託すことにしています。 この曲は、様々なできごとを時系列的にまとめたものです。 どのようなことがあったかを知って頂ければ幸いです

Radiation from the nuclear plant accident flew, but we had to stand up without knowledge of it. Lost of people suffered because of the irresponsible work done by people with no risk management skill.
Nihonmatsu City where I live wasn’t an evacuation zone but I was furious. I can’t imagine how frustrated people who had to evacuate were. My city wasn’t an evacuation zone, but I’m still anxious, angry and frustrated.
I have a habit of melodies coming up in my mind when I’m doing something. Most of them are in orchestra, but I don’t know orchestration so it’s for the piano. This song is a compilation of things that happened. I’m glad if you can see what happened to my life.

第2曲 別れ
アダージョ 4分の3拍子 二短調
Track2 parting
Adagio 3/4 D moll

浪江町から避難されてきた町役場の課長さんとお話をしましたが、部下を津波で亡くされた悲しみ、放射線量が高くて行方不明の方達の捜索ができない悔しさなどをお聞きしました。 作業などが一段落したときの後姿の寂しそうなことは本当にお気の毒でした。

Parting comes in many ways but eternally is the saddest.
I met one chief working for Namie Town who evacuated and he told me he was sad to lose his co-worker in the Tsunami and he was frustrated not to find missing people because radiation level is so high there.He looked really sad after work.
I lost one friend during this time.It takes time to accept eternal parting.
This is the song I made when I was praying for people who died from the Tsunami.

第3曲 立ち向かう
アレグロ 4分の4拍子-4分の5拍子-4分の4拍子  二短調
Track3 Confront
Allegro 4/4-4/5-4/4 D moll

大津波は学者さんがとうに警告を発していたにもかかわらず、なんの知識もない社員がこれを抹殺したこと、メルトダウンに伴う水素爆発は電気の確保ができなかったことに起因する等、あまりの無責任さ、お粗末さに怒りを禁じえませんでした。 一方で放射能の不安がある中で、救援物資を届けてくださった方々、慰問においでくださった方々等々、心打たれる機会を多く頂きました。
避難区域ではないものの、放射線量が高くはない、健康に直ちに影響はないという言葉を信じて私はこのまま福島県で生きていくことにしました。 この判断が正しかったどうかは、後年明らかになると思います。
今回の原発事故を通じての反省は、広島、長崎の方々に対して、阪神・淡路大震災等の災害に遭われた方々に対して心配りが中途半端であったということでした。 痛い目に遭うと痛かった人達の想いが少しではあっても感じることができたように思います。
原発事故の被害者のまま終ってはならないという心、前へ進んでやるという強い心も湧き上がってきました。 当初この3曲目は不安や怒りは消えることはないものの、ご支援頂いた方々に励まして頂き、その感謝を胸に前へ進もうと、最後は行進曲風な旋律で終るものでした。

■ 怒りと悲しみバージョンはこちら ■

どういう立場の人間がどうすべきであったかという、当事者がなすべき検証を正直にすべきであると。 そして、原発事故のみならず、災害に遭っても辛くても前へ進むことが大事なのではないかと。
現代の日本人は、過去の災害、過去の教訓を活かせませんでした。 事故が少しでも風化しないで、このような思いをする人がもうでませんようにと願うのみです。


The more information I got, the more I was angry at how irresponsible the people in charge of the atomic administration were.
Specialists predicted that a big Tsunami would hit the power plant, but the uneducated workers ignored it.
Explosions from a meltdown happened because they lost electrical power.
I was mad how irresponsible and foolish they were.I was moved by people who brought supplies, and visited to cheer us up despite anxiety of radiation. I found out about irresponsible workers who didn’t pay back their salary they got at the time, and they didn’t anything.
My hometown is not an evacuation zone, I trusted the specialists who said radiation level is not so high, it doesn’t affect our health, so I decided to live in Fukushima. Through this accident, I realized that my concern for the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and people involved in the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake was slight.
If you feel pain, you can feel someone else’s pain, so I can feel a little for them. Feeling that I don’t want to end my life as a victim of the power plant accident, the strong decision to move on developed.
At first, this third song was supposed to be a mach-melody at the end, because lots of people cheered me up which I appreciated and I wanted to go forward.
However, I heard the news that the court said no one was guilty and not to be punished even though they caused such a big disaster, which made me really mad.
Then, some strange melody came up in my mind, so I used this at the end instead of a march-melody.

This third song has two versions.One is “Confront” which I posted this time, the other is “Anger and Sadness”.They went around my head at the same time.
To be honest, “ Anger and Sadness” was my first choice. However , thinking about people who carried relief supplies during the highest radiation dose, or people who came to cheer me up knowing that radiation dose level was high, I realized I was captured by dark feelings of not moving forward. So I chose the “Confront” version.
By the way,I was looking at some paintings on the Internet to change those days’ mood. Fortuity, I found "The Sower" by the Millet. I was so invigorated by the painting that a melody came up with the standing up part "Confront" version.
■ Anger and Sadness version ■

This is what I think.
People who are concerned with the affair should inspect honestly what who in what position should have done. It’s important to move on even if you suffer from any disasters, not only the nuclear plant accident.
Japanese couldn’t use lessons from disasters in the past. I hope people don’t forget about this accident and hope no one will go through what I’ve been through.

I want to say that, not only regarding nuclear power, but people with responsibility who lack risk management awareness and skill should get out of their positions.




原発事故後の部屋The Room of After Nuclear Accident

Try to keep memories just after the nuclear plant accident.
Victim's heart
第1曲 立ち上がる
Track1 Stand up and Face
アレグロ 4分の4拍子 二短調
Allegro 4/4 D moll

原子力発電所の事故による放射性物質が飛来し、なんの知識もなく立ち向かわざるを得ませんでした。 危機管理能力のない者達の過去のいい加減な仕事のせいで、多くの人間が苦しみました。
私の住んでいる二本松市は避難区域にはなりませんでしたが、それでも怒りが込み上げてきました。 実際に避難を余儀なくされた方達の怒りは私には計り知れないものであろうと考えています。 避難区域にはならなかったとはいえ、それでも不安、怒り、苛立ち等々を今も抱えています。 私は以前から何かをしていると頭の中で旋律が流れ出す妙な癖があります。
大概の場合オーケストラのような感じで流れてきますが、オーケストレーションが全くわかりませんので、ピアノに託すことにしています。 この曲は、様々なできごとを時系列的にまとめたものです。 どのようなことがあったかを知って頂ければ幸いです

Radiation from the nuclear plant accident flew, but we had to stand up without knowledge of it. Lost of people suffered because of the irresponsible work done by people with no risk management skill.
Nihonmatsu City where I live wasn’t an evacuation zone but I was furious. I can’t imagine how frustrated people who had to evacuate were. My city wasn’t an evacuation zone, but I’m still anxious, angry and frustrated.
I have a habit of melodies coming up in my mind when I’m doing something. Most of them are in orchestra, but I don’t know orchestration so it’s for the piano. This song is a compilation of things that happened. I’m glad if you can see what happened to my life.

第2曲 別れ
Track2 parting
アダージョ 4分の3拍子 二短調
Adagio 3/4 D moll

浪江町から避難されてきた町役場の課長さんとお話をしましたが、部下を津波で亡くされた悲しみ、放射線量が高くて行方不明の方達の捜索ができない悔しさなどをお聞きしました。 作業などが一段落したときの後姿の寂しそうなことは本当にお気の毒でした。

Parting comes in many ways but eternally is the saddest.
I met one chief working for Namie Town who evacuated and he told me he was sad to lose his co-worker in the Tsunami and he was frustrated not to find missing people because radiation level is so high there.He looked really sad after work.
I lost one friend during this time.It takes time to accept eternal parting.
This is the song I made when I was praying for people who died from the Tsunami.

第3曲 立ち向かう
Track3 Confort
アレグロ 4分の4拍子-4分の5拍子-4分の4拍子  二短調
Allegro 4/4-4/5-4/4 D moll

大津波は学者さんがとうに警告を発していたにもかかわらず、なんの知識もない社員がこれを抹殺したこと、メルトダウンに伴う水素爆発は電気の確保ができなかったことに起因する等、あまりの無責任さ、お粗末さに怒りを禁じえませんでした。 一方で放射能の不安がある中で、救援物資を届けてくださった方々、慰問においでくださった方々等々、心打たれる機会を多く頂きました。
避難区域ではないものの、放射線量が高くはない、健康に直ちに影響はないという言葉を信じて私はこのまま福島県で生きていくことにしました。 この判断が正しかったどうかは、後年明らかになると思います。
今回の原発事故を通じての反省は、広島、長崎の方々に対して、阪神・淡路大震災等の災害に遭われた方々に対して心配りが中途半端であったということでした。 痛い目に遭うと痛かった人達の想いが少しではあっても感じることができたように思います。
原発事故の被害者のまま終ってはならないという心、前へ進んでやるという強い心も湧き上がってきました。 当初この3曲目は不安や怒りは消えることはないものの、ご支援頂いた方々に励まして頂き、その感謝を胸に前へ進もうと、最後は行進曲風な旋律で終るものでした。

■ 怒りと悲しみバージョンはこちら ■

どういう立場の人間がどうすべきであったかという、当事者がなすべき検証を正直にすべきであると。 そして、原発事故のみならず、災害に遭っても辛くても前へ進むことが大事なのではないかと。
現代の日本人は、過去の災害、過去の教訓を活かせませんでした。 事故が少しでも風化しないで、このような思いをする人がもうでませんようにと願うのみです。


The more information I got, the more I was angry at how irresponsible the people in charge of the atomic administration were.
Specialists predicted that a big Tsunami would hit the power plant, but the uneducated workers ignored it.
Explosions from a meltdown happened because they lost electrical power.
I was mad how irresponsible and foolish they were.I was moved by people who brought supplies, and visited to cheer us up despite anxiety of radiation. I found out about irresponsible workers who didn’t pay back their salary they got at the time, and they didn’t anything.
My hometown is not an evacuation zone, I trusted the specialists who said radiation level is not so high, it doesn’t affect our health, so I decided to live in Fukushima. Through this accident, I realized that my concern for the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and people involved in the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake was slight.
If you feel pain, you can feel someone else’s pain, so I can feel a little for them. Feeling that I don’t want to end my life as a victim of the power plant accident, the strong decision to move on developed.
At first, this third song was supposed to be a mach-melody at the end, because lots of people cheered me up which I appreciated and I wanted to go forward.
However, I heard the news that the court said no one was guilty and not to be punished even though they caused such a big disaster, which made me really mad.
Then, some strange melody came up in my mind, so I used this at the end instead of a march-melody.

This third song has two versions.One is “Confront” which I posted this time, the other is “Anger and Sadness”.They went around my head at the same time.
To be honest, “ Anger and Sadness” was my first choice. However , thinking about people who carried relief supplies during the highest radiation dose, or people who came to cheer me up knowing that radiation dose level was high, I realized I was captured by dark feelings of not moving forward. So I chose the “Confront” version.
By the way,I was looking at some paintings on the Internet to change those days’ mood. Fortuity, I found "The Sower" by the Millet. I was so invigorated by the painting that a melody came up with the standing up part "Confront" version.
■ Anger and Sadness version ■

This is what I think.
People who are concerned with the affair should inspect honestly what who in what position should have done. It’s important to move on even if you suffer from any disasters, not only the nuclear plant accident.
Japanese couldn’t use lessons from disasters in the past. I hope people don’t forget about this accident and hope no one will go through what I’ve been through.

I want to say that, not only regarding nuclear power, but people with responsibility who lack risk management awareness and skill should get out of their positions.